Study: Crushed rock added to farms helps pull carbon from air
Adding crushed volcanic rock to cropland could play a key role in removing carbon from the air. In a field study, scientists at the University of California, Davis, and Cornell...
Adding crushed volcanic rock to cropland could play a key role in removing carbon from the air. In a field study, scientists at the University of California, Davis, and Cornell...
University of Florida Greenhouse Training Online courses Weed Management Starts October 16! Understand all aspects of weed management in nurseries and greenhouses including weed identification, developing herbicide programs, and the...
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service, approximately 39 percent of U.S. farmland in the contiguous 48 states is leased. While leases are used in many different...
When John Shaw took over as executive director of the Westport Maritime Museum in 2014, beach clean-ups practically came with the job. Walking along the beaches in southwest Washington state,...
On a hot July day on Michigan’s vehicle-free Mackinac Island, people swarm the downtown streets on foot and bikes and in horse-drawn carriages. Sitting high atop a cart emblazoned with...
Eric Sfiligoj and Lara Sowinski discuss an order for Syngenta to sell farmland, another ag tech merger, and plans for the upcoming Women in Ag Tech meeting in January.
AMERICAN FARM BUREAU FEDERATION SUING OVER WOTUS The ongoing battle over Waters of the United States (WOTUS) is certainly one of the most significant issues facing America today. WOTUS affects...
Courtesy of the Walnut Bargaining Association The Walnut Bargaining Association (WBA) has updated its minimum price recommendation to 70 cents per pound in-shell. The price is based on Jumbo/Large Chandlers...
We bring you some of the best farm photos this Friday, October 20, 2023, from the week! Want to get listed in this weekly feature? Be sure to hashtag your...
University of Florida Greenhouse Training Online courses Hydroponic Vegetable Production Starts November 13! Learn to manage different hydroponics systems, as well as the fundamentals of climate, water, nutrition, and plant...